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    Training the hospitality industry in Biscay
    A dynamic and modern educational system, in which the student is the protagonist.


Welcome to CIFP HOSTELERÍA-OSTALARITZA LHII - GALDAKAO (Galdakao School of Hospitality)!

As part of the Department of Education of the Basque Government, we are proud to offer you a first-class educational experience in a close and personalized environment that will accompany you on your educational journey.

Moreover, we are not just a hospitality school; we are a vibrant and modern place dedicated to your professional and personal growth. At our school, we offer Training Programs in the fields of Hospitality and Tourism, as well as in Food Industries. But we don't stop there: we also provide continuing education, occupational training, and distance learning, adapting to your needs and dreams.

Our facilities are top-notch, recently remodeled. With five buildings equipped with advanced technology, we provide you with the best environment for your learning. At CIFP HOSTELERÍA-OSTALARITZA LHII - GALDAKAO, you are the protagonist from day one.

Our practice workshop, the restaurant open to the public, is where our students showcase their skills. Here, in every dish and service, the skills acquired in our initial training specialties (Basic), Intermediate Level in “Cooking and Gastronomy,” “Bakery, Pastry, and Confectionery,” “Restaurant Services,” and Higher Level in “Kitchen Management,” guided by our expert Teaching Team, guarantee an enriching and unforgettable experience for the entire Educational Community.

But the training doesn't stay in the classroom. Thanks to our alliances with the leading companies in the sector in Bizkaia, we offer you unique internship opportunities. And if you're thinking of going abroad, our Erasmus+ program will help you live the adventure. Additionally, we enrich your educational experience with complementary and extracurricular activities, such as visits to wineries, gastronomy congresses, tourism fairs, and even trips to rural areas to meet producers firsthand.

Our commitment does not end when you obtain your degree. We love to offer our alumni and students access to the best job offers in the hospitality sector. Through our job offer portal, we connect you with exciting and challenging opportunities, and if you have a business idea, we accompany you throughout the process through the URRATSBAT program, a support program for entrepreneurs.

More information
Euskadiko hospitality schoolrik antzinakoena

Ia 42 ikasturte igaro dira eskolak 1978an bere lehen ikasturtea inauguratu zuenetik.

Euskal Sukaldaritza Schoolrik ospetsuena

Gure profesionalei, ekipamenduari eta instalazio aurreratuenei esker.

Kalitate ziurtagiriak dituen ostalaritza eskola

Ingurumenaren Kudeaketaren eta Kalitateko Prestakuntzaren ISO 14001:2004 ziurtagiria eta Prestakuntzaren Kalitatearen ISO 9001:2008 ziurtagiria

Balio erantsiak: praktikak enpresetan eta activities

Bizkaiko ostalaritza espresa ospetsuenetan praktikak eskaintzen ditugu, bai eta eskolaz kanpoko ezin konta ahala jarduera ere

Latest news


Last Thursday, March 21, the prestigious Bacalao Islandia competition took place at the Higher School of Hospitality and Agrotourism of Extremadura in Mérida. The Galdakao School of Hospitality was represented by the candidate Martin Cataldi, who showcased his skills in the dish he prepared for the jury. Among the jury members were Cristina Jolonch (gastronomic critic for La Vanguardia), representatives...

Companies and Organizations We Collaborate With

Google reviews

La experiencia ha sido muy buena. Es de agradecer el esfuerzo que hacen los alumnos. Por poner una pega los platos podrían llegar un poquito más calientes . Alta cocina para una escuela. Repetiremos.
Isa Castañeda,
23 Feb, 2024

Nunca había experimentado algo así. Me ha parecido, muy buena atención y la explicación de cada plato que consumía, un detalle muy bueno. Han sido atentos en cada momento. Cálida -precio. Creo que merece muchísimo la pena , vivir la experiencia. Atte: La mesa 7 el 16/02/2024
Melcita Cortez,
16 Feb, 2024

La comida exquisita, buena presentación y bien elaborada y cantidad buena también. El trato amable y muy atentos a todos los detalles
Amaia Egia Basterrika,
12 Feb, 2024

Probamos el restaurante, donde también atienden los estudiantes, muy agradable. La comida riquísima y el servicio muy bien. Un muy buen menú a muy buen precio, 18€.
Alberto Fernández,
9 Feb, 2024

Calidad, y presentación de los platos excelente. Servicio rápido y muy profesional. Personal muy atento y agradable. Excelente experiencia. Para volver.
goio aguirre,
7 Feb, 2024

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